While Clark, Emma and I are going to see the Big Eared Man at Dland on chemo passes, here is the information for the 2009 San Francisco Bay Area Lymphomathon at Golden Gate Park from my bestest girl friend in the world!
We have raised over $1800. What a great job so far everyone!
If you would like to caravan with us, meet at my house at 7am.
Hey there Team Schoening - One Love!
We're only a week away! Thanks to all of you for your efforts so far, and for the tremendous support you are showing our dear Clark.
The details for the day are below:
Sunday, June 14th
Meet at the Golden Gate Park Band Shell (near the DeYoung Museum) and look for the "Team Schoening" sign to find us! Registration 8:00 am - 9:00 am
Walk 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Post Walk BBQ & Live Music 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Since there will be food after the walk in the park, maybe we can find a scrumptious dessert-ish place after the walk raps up near the Park and spend time together in the afternoon for those who are available!
I'd like to congratulate everyone on the fundraising! We're currently in 6th place out of 18 teams - WOO HOO!!!! Let's keep it going as we wind up this week culminating in the walk on Sunday. Fundraising tips are on the bottom of this email.
I'd like to welcome the new members of our team, and provide you an updated team roster below:
Terilynn Bench - Team Captain
Kathleen and Emma Schoening
Adrian Miller
Michael Challand
Christina Celaya-Gardner
Philip Gardner
Kevin Christensen
Rebecca Christensen
Makena Siebert
Michelle Siebert
Jennifer Garry
Leslie Sine
Ron and Cindi Reis
Nancy Robbins
(Todd and Synthia Cunningham and Michele Morris are our virtual honorary team members as well! They are out of state and not able to attend the walk.)
Special note for our new members: Custom shirts were ordered and I know that some of you joined after we were unable to place additional orders. The shirts are dark green in color with a light green lymphoma ribbon on them and our team name, in case you want to color coordinate with us! :) Whatever you want to wear is perfect of course, just being there is what matters!
A special thanks to Michael Challand for designing and getting the team shirts! For those who still need to pay for them, don't forget to bring a check or cash to the walk to pay Michael. He says the shirts have arrived and look GREAT!
If you have any questions, please let me know!
With much love,