Monday, June 1, 2009

Last Day of School

Today was Emma's last day of school until the Fall. Ms. Linda had pictures made of us and then we decorated the frames today. It was bittersweet.

Later this afternoon Emma started her summer swim lessons. She loves being in the pool. Luckily we live in a HOA with two heated pools and we have already made it down there a few times since the opening. In fact, many times we go through and we are the only ones there. Clark would like to go swimming with us but the GPS tracker (as known as the portacap) makes him self conscious. I told him no one cares so we will see.

Clark feels so much better today. I have to assume if you are ummm feeling frisky that this is life is getting better.


  1. I think if you're a woman and that idea comes about, then yes, you must be feeling better...however, I'm pretty sure a man would think of that with his very last breath!

  2. Frisky? That word takes me back to the Cunninghams from the old show, Happy Days. Wishing you HAPPY DAYS!
