Tuesday, October 26, 2010

8 hours of Hope for the Library

So while I was able to briefly attend the City Council meeting last night, the City Council did approve to keep the Springtown Library open for 8 hours a week. We are grateful and hopeful that this does not mean complete closure in the future.

I offered during my speaking time to read during story time every few months. I even recommended have Civic library programs come to the lawn area of Springtown library in warmer weather and the Mayor said I was pushing it.

The Mayor's behavior and comments to the speakers were deplorable in my opinion. Instead of just listening, sometimes it was a battlefield and it did not need to be. To be honest, if City Council had done the right thing to begin with, the back peddling and repositioning by City Council and Staff would not have had to occur.

I have seen this happen on more than one occasion with City Council when it comes to North Livermore and ask how many times will it take the City Council to learn a lesson?

We, in North Livermore care, we care about our community. More importantly, we are voters. We vote in and we can vote out.

So thank you City Council. I am grateful. Perhaps the lesson in this for you as the seated council is do the right thing for North Livermore in the first place.

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