Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What to do? Dealing with a local small business.

What to do? Clark and I are going to have to make a profound decision regarding Emma. Right now the thought of having to make that decision is causing a pit in my stomach not only for her but all parties involved.

Clark and I pay a local small business to provide a service to our daughter. Our daughter has in so many ways thoroughly enjoyed this service and the people involved.

The situation. We have used this service on a monthly basis for almost a year. However, the owner of this local small business is not paying the employees and has not for some time. The owner has given them rubber checks and false promises. It makes Clark and I cringe since we want to support local small businesses but if they do not treat their employees fairly and justly it makes us look at other opportunities.

The owner is also trying to promote a drive so that funds that are normally paid in the fall are received this month. My question then is what will happen to the services in the fall when the monies have already been paid? Will it only be a matter of time before the door closes on this business?

The heart breaking part will be letting Emma know some of her favorite people and places will no longer be in her life. I am dreading having to tell her that not everyone wants to do the right thing but that the people who provided services directly to her loved her and will miss her. In so many ways it will be like a mourning.

We will move on to other local companies who provide the same service soon and will have mixed emotions about our time with this local small business.


  1. Hi!
    Oh my gosh, what a dilemma. There will be many in Emma's life. Transition from Preschool to Kindergarten, from dance class to dance class. She has to graduate. It is part of growing. Be happy and proud, or else she will think that there is something wrong. Think of all the learning that will be done when she gets put into a different environment. It is so good for her. She is smart and resilient and a sponge. Now, as far as your dilemma... there is no dillema ... just get out now! (besides all of her classmates will bail too, if the place is even around in the fall!) JUST MY 2 CENTS!

  2. anonymous?? sorry... it's me Paulette

  3. Thanks Paulette. I understand why you would say what you did and normally I would.

    However, when my husband was undergoing chemo this one activity gave Emma the space she needed to be herself creativity and with a Great teacher to boot.
