Friday, August 20, 2010

Papa and Emma

I realized last night my dad is getting seasoned (older is also a term that could be used). It made me realize that I only have a defined amount of time to share my family of Clark, Emma and I with him. Yes, there is a life beyond if you are a believer, but not everyone is.

I see Emma with him and I have to smile. When Emma was born, dad did not want to be called Grandpa, he asked to be called GP. All was fine with that until, Emma one day on her own, started to call him Papa and last night she started to call him Grandpa.

Emma took his hand and started to swing, and saying, "Grandpa, Grandpa..." I looked over at my dad and his smile was huge and melted my heart. I had a promise to myself then and there that Emma would have more "GP/Papa/Grandpa". He deserves it so does she.

Emma is so different with my dad than I was ever with him. I see her coy smiles and her giggles and know what ever ails my dad has that her laughter is just plain good medicine for his heart and soul.

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