Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Names and slight variations have been made to protect the parties involved.

Dear YZ,

We were not aware of any supposed infringement of trademark until we received both of your letters. XYZ was founded in 1993. For the last 16 years, our organization has used the name on a local basis without incident.

While we may or may not agree with your letters, a name change occurred. Our new name is XY. Now you can imagine after being an organization that serves its community and surrounding areas for such a long period, the transition to our new name will take time. We have done a due diligence on completing this task and hope to have all items taken care of shortly.

If you as YZ decides to take any legal action against our group as you have stated in both of your letters a court will see we have strived to complete our name change in a timely manner.


However when I wrote this letter as one of the directors, I also wrote this letter to XY:

A Note from our Directors:

XY. XY. That is our new name. The name that you as members voted on since a letter was received from a representative of the XYZ™ notifying us that we had to change our name because YZ was infringing on their trademark rights. We were astonished that the phrase “YZ” could be trademarked! However, after some investigation, we concluded that we would indeed need to change our name.

So after being XYZ since 1993 we have had many changes to make.

Our Board has worked diligently to make changes to reflect the new name as quickly as we can.

While there is still some work to be done, XY is emerging and I am proud to say I am one.

I pray XY will be done with the change shortly and move forward. I thank everyone who was involved in making this occur quickly.

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