Friday was a night of thrills to say the least. Clark rolled the outside trashcan over his big toe causing it to be a bloody mess. Normally we would just clean it up and move forward, but when you have cancer, sickness and injury take on a whole new meaning.
I remember when Clark was first diagnosed with cancer our general practitioner said at that time if Clark ever had to go to the ER, that we were to keep him in the car while I checked him in. Clark is under no circumstance to sit in the waiting room of an ER to see a doctor because of all the germs that are housed there. Needless to say, we thankfully were able to clean it up based on Kaiser’s advice and the doctor saw Clark on Saturday. He had to be given a tetanus shot and will hopefully mend soon.
As Clark wobbled about on Saturday, we prepared for a Latino wedding of a family friend. The wedding was huge. The music was live and the dance floor was hopping. Emma loved it.
It was a first for Clark and I. The wedding and reception was 99% spoken in Spanish. While we could not understand most of what was being said, we saw, more importantly, with our eyes the love the bride and groom had. Truly romantic.
Here is a video of Emma dancing. I said it is Take Two because a different video is posted on Facebook.
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