Thursday, October 22, 2009

True Friends Make Life Real

Recently I had a conversation with a girlfriend that was just eye opening. We were in a gathering of women and what started out as a general conversation between the two of us turned very intimate very quickly.

She said "Look around this room, your husband has cancer, that woman other there was a child with a drug problem and that woman over that has a husband that died last year. Everyone here has difficulties of some sort or another. It is how you define yourself in those difficulties that makes you who you are."

Wow. My friend just gave me something to really think about. How is it that I define myself now (compared to a year ago) and how will I define myself in the future. Who have I been? Who will I become?

Then today I saw this and loved it "In light of the challenges so many of my friends face, my tests of faith seem so petty."

Another wow moment for me. Something more to think about. My challenges are so minor when others carry such heavy burdens. My faith needs to be so much more.

Thank you Julie and Christiaan for giving me some things to think about and keeping life real.

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of when I was at a dark time in my life, facing changes that were imposed upon my children and I, out of the blue (you know) and I was e-mailing to my aunt and telling her that in spite of the hardship, I felt that I was growing as a person, in many ways and for many reasons. She replied that as people, we are ALWAYS growing. In good times, and in bad, I think that applies also to our faith -- It is constant and always growing, if we are open to it. Thanks for giving me something to think about and reflect on. I love you!
