Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A little good news...

First off, in our Livermore family to San Ramon family trick or treaters contest, Livermore thumped San Ramon once again. Sorry,no other words to describe it. We had 51 kids compared to San Ramon's paltry 19 kids.

Thank God we had enough candy.

Approximately 2 years ago Design, Community & Environment (DC&E) out of Berkeley completed research for the City of Livermore on Northeast Livermore Facilities that indicated our direct neighborhood consisted primarily of senior citizens. We argued that the report was wrong and if the consultants had been in our neighborhood on Halloween night this year they would seen our neighborhood spills over with children.

Actually, the immediate senior citizens around us are like bonus grandparents for Emma and you know who you are Dave, Peggy, Camille, Joan, etc.

It was also very humbling when neighbors who I had not seen in a while asked about Clark. Nothing to me says more about a community then when neighbors say they are praying for your husband and your family. Thank you!

And lastly, Livermore Moms will have a American Cancer Society Relay For Life Team. We are just waiting for Livermore to put up their site officially and we are off.

When I put the feeler out within Livermore Moms for the American Cancer Society Relay For Life I was blown over that within 24 hours I had 11 moms and their families wanting to be on the team. We have much work to do in the upcoming months so I ask for prayer for the team, for our donation efforts and the end result. Livermore Moms will Relay because We Care About Cancer.

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