Monday, September 7, 2009

I have become "that" mom.

I realized tonight as I was preparing snack for Emma's first day of preschool tomorrow that I have become "that" mom. Emma's snack bag is packed, her clothes and shoes are laid out. Everything is ready for when she wakes up. I must also admit I too have my clothes laid out as well.

Now that I have become "that" mom her swim bag (and ours too) is packed for our swim play date after preschool with the Vanderbeeks.

Then next to Emma's swim bag, is her ballet bag (because you know preschool and swim are not enough). In Emma's ballet bag is her leotard, tights, ballet and tap shoes (given to us free-a prayer asked for and answered-Praise God!) along with water and a snack for after dance class.

I wondered when I became "that" mom. I used to obsess about order but in the last few years I got lazy. So now while I hate running late (but almost always do since I am not a morning person) and things are not organized I almost have an anxiety attack. No joke. Clark knows there has to be a flow from the time I get up to the time we head out the door. Any slight deviation makes me a little crazy and I really need to lighten up.

I also wonder if I will be "that" mom waving bye with tears in my eyes to my little girl tomorrow as we leave her in class for a few hours. I know for me pick up will not come soon enough.

I am packing Kleenex just in case. Yep, it is already in the bag because I am "that" mom now.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to "that" mom club! You are a wonderful mommy, one that enhances the lovely person that you already are. Before you know it, Emma will be setting her school clothing out the night before, getting her backpack together with completed assignments and books, packing her own lunch and setting out forms for you to complete and initial -- That is my world. Jake and Maddi have become organized because I am "that" mom. It's something to be very proud of and I applaude you!! You go, girl!
