Monday, July 13, 2009

Seriously Clark?

I really think that Clark just needs to rid of this cancer. Today I was milling around the house and I heard him say, "Honey come here quick, check this out", thinking it was important I came running in and should have known better.

Seriously, my dear husband, my lovely bright husband was watching Wife Swap on the Lifetime channel. Every few minutes, Clark is talking back to the television, "I cannot believe she wore that. Check out this wife acting that way? These kids need a good kick in the ..." This can go on for the full hour it is on. And this is now a daily occurrence (on a rare occasion when Emma has been sick on a Friday night, we have all snuggled on the couch and watched it), but to watch it so often? It is funny, keeps him fully entertained on days he is not well and it is not porn.

Speaking of which, Clark's oncologist out of the blue last week told Clark that we were not to try and have a baby until chemo and radiation was done unless we wanted a mutant. The thought of trying to get pregnant with Clark undergoing treatment has not even entered our minds and that is why we froze the boys so to speak. And to be frank, while Clark might like to glow after chemo, I would prefer not to.

So no more babies for us for now. Thankfully!

Now we like his doctor but he is a true scientist. His person to person skills are a bit different. His doctor mumbles a lot, goes from plan A to plan C in a flash of an eye and e-mail is not his favorite. First we were told Clark had Stage 4, then a few weeks back it was Stage 2. And now we just do not care since eradicating cancer is his focus and Clark has improved by leaps and bounds.

And if you want to get a hold of Clark during the day do not call between 2-3 pm, he is watching Wife Swap on Lifetime.

1 comment:

  1. Please share with Clark that he has had influence on the TV viewing choice of the Reis' Pieces. I returned home last night, after working out, to find my husband and children engrossed with watching TOP GEAR. All three of them, eyes glued to the screen, British male voice blaring. Thank you, Clark -- Enjoy your interactive Wife Swap watching!
