Sunday, May 10, 2009


Being a mom what does it mean? I have thought of that all day. Clark and I struggled for so long to have Emma. Then we had her and I cannot imagine what our life would be without her. To me, everyday is mother's day, it is the gift we have of her, Emma, that makes my heart swell. She is a miracle from God to us.

I think of all the women in my life who are moms or call themselves moms. I know plenty of women who struggle to have children like we did and are true moms at heart. I however, pray for women who call themselves moms but whose gift is not parenting (I also pray for the children).

I think of how both Clark and I were raised by our dads. I know for me, my mom was not around much for me due to life, but as a grandma she is the best with Emma. I still remember the day Emma was born, my mom was sick but came to the hospital and stood in the parking lot and waved so that Clark and I would know she was there. I cannot imagine not being at the birth of Emma's children. And if need be, I would be like my mom and wave from the parking lot.

I have nursed Emma and rocked her to sleep. I have held her after she has had a seizure, RSV and the croup. I have experienced so much love, laughter and tears. I tell her every night as I put her to bed , "I love you more today, than I did yesterday or the day you were born." Emma's middle name is Noelani which means "beautiful girl from heaven" and that is what she is to us.


  1. I'm waving at you from Modesto! Loved what you wrote and glad you know that deep appreciation for being a mom -- Something that you and I share. I think it's one of the most powerful roles that we can have the privilege and opportunity to take on. Thinking of you and wishing you a wonderful Monday!

  2. Oddly, if we ever have a girl, we are using the name Noelani as well for a middle name. Any children we have will have Hawaiian middle names as our first born does. I love the name Noelani, so pretty!

  3. The name Noelani came to be because Clark's dad was Hawaiian and passed away when I was pregnant with Emma. Emma Noelani represents my heritage and Clark's.

    And when I am really mad it has a certain rhyme to it and Emma knows there is no doubt she has or is about to do something she should not.
