Today we went to the hospital so that Clark could have his portacap done. However, when we got to the hospital his surgeon came out and said that Clark could not have surgery. Clark's white blood cell count was way too low. In the last two weeks, the white blood cell has gone from 9 to 1 to 1.3. The surgeon also indicated that unless his count goes up it will not be safe for Clark to have chemo either. A call into oncology has been placed.
Clark's hair is starting to fall out in the oddest of places (if he were a girl he would not need a bikini wax for the summer) and nose bleeds have started. Both of each, make me queasy which makes Clark laugh. Ha!Ha!Ha! Honey, wait until I actually throw up then it will not be so funny.
When we picked up Emma from Ian's we could tell she enjoyed her playdate with Ian. She fell asleep within minutes of being in the car. Thank you Rebecca-you are the best!
What a day and it is not even 3pm yet!!!!
Praying for Clark's WBC count to go up - up - UP! And hoping that the vomitting factor will stay down. Love to all three of you!