Our lovely, lovely daughter tries every night to delay her bed time. She has tried all the usual-"there's a monster in my room, I am scared of the dark" and then tonight,
"Mommy I have to pee."
Now we are in the process of potty training her, so while for a brief moment I thought are you kidding me? Then it dawned on me that she is really quite smart on this. Mommy (meaning me) will not say no to potty time and in fact Daddy will not either.
So ten minutes past the time we put in her bed, she was still up, but going to the potty. Emma thinks she has gotten one past us and we think we got her on the potty one more time for the day.
That Emma, she's one, smart cookie! I recall Jake and Maddi pulling that one too. Staying up late seems to mean a lot to little ones, thinking that there's something magical that they'll miss out on if they can't stay up. Until they get older, and overdo it at the Bay to Breakers and pay the price on the days that follow with muscle stiffness and soreness. That's Jake right now. Poor fellow.