Monday, April 6, 2009

The family picture

Every year for Emma's birthday we have studio pictures taken of her, Clark and I. Her birthday is not that far off now and Clark wanted it done sooner rather than later.

But really, I am not sure who melted down more Emma, Clark or I. It was hard to entertain an almost three year old while waiting for the appointment and getting her to sit for the pictures was next to impossible. Hour one passed and when we were on hour two, Clark's pain level was up and I was done.

However the pictures were great. The meltdowns were well worth the wait.

Tomorrow brings a new day that includes a PET scan for Clark. He gets to take some happy medicine tonight and tomorrow in addition to his pain medicine. Life should be good.


  1. Oh, yes...The meltdowns during picture time! I can totally relate. Please share a hug with Clark and Emma from me!

  2. I am ALWAYS in a total flop sweat by the time we are done with pictures!! It's miserable sometimes! She is such a cutie though!!

    Hope the scan goes well...can you get some of his happy pills for you??

